There are no special drivers required. You can run the entire thing as a regular user process if you so desire.
FreeHA will let you run a service (program), or group of services, on a computer, but have one or more others running in standby mode. The service can be whatever kind of demon or program you would normally run on a UNIX box.
When and if the service fails on the initial node, one of the standby servers will automatically start the service(s) running on itself. Because of this automatic and normally fast restarting of the service, this sort of configuration is called a "Highly Available" cluster/configuration. "Highly Available", or "High Availability" == 'H.A.'
Having done many cluster installs at this point in my life, I have noticed
that people tend to spend big $$$ on really complicated 'Cluster Software',
and then proceed to use only the very basic functionality of,
"Run this service on a node, but start it up on the other one if
the main one fails".
It seems crazy to me to pay all that money, and only use a fraction of what you are paying for. Not to mention that there is no clustering software available, free or otherwise, for my favourite platform. So as usual, I figured if no-one else has done it by now, it's high time I wrote my own software to fill the void :-)
Echoing that sort of statement, is the openoffice-based presentation I gave at the LISA 2003 conference in San Diego.
Sample areas would include:
- Oracle (...Mysql,PostGres, etc)
- Jrun, other "application servers",...
- LDAP services
- Outbound mail gateways (
- {Your App Here?}
Install guideMore details on exactly what is involved in setting up an HA cluster, can be found in the HTML version of the install guideThere is also a blog about it |
User guideHow to play with freeha, once the initial configuration is done |
Status of projectInitial release date was July 21th, 2002. There have been no major complaints. I take that to mean that people are happy with it FreeHA. :-) Any minor complaints, I believe to be addressed now.
Platforms it is known to compile on: Solaris, Linux, BSD, OSF,
New release: Nov 24th, 2006: 1.0.
Please try the latest version, freeha-1.0.tar.gz.
Please email me any comments. Address below.
The license for freeha is "BSD 3-clause" one: You may do what
you like with it, so long as you dont hold me responsible for anything
that may happen as a result of you using it. You also must give me credit
in your copies of the code.
Other than that, Copy and modify as you like freely.
I hope that you will contribute patches back to me.
However, please note: I will most likely ignore large patches. Please keep
patches small and localized. If you have a lot of features to add... please
feed them to me one at a time.