Its concept of 'single service' is rather flexible. You can actually have it handle a collection of services; the only limitation is that it is an all-or-nothing affair. Either ALL the services are running, or the box has somehow 'failed', and another box should start up services for the cluster.
After a quick glance-through of the top of Makefile to see if you like the default locations, and edit options as appropriate, you should be able to just do a plain old make ; make install However, you will then have to customize the three master scripts heavily, according to what 'services' you want to run. See SETTING UP CLUSTERED SERVICES, below You will also need to create a custom startup script for the 'freehad' demon at boot-time, to set what networks to use for cluster communication. See 'startdemon' for an example. YOU MUST SET THE 'PATH' VAR if you write your own 'startdemon' script
To run a service with 'high availability' that you can have confidence in, you first need to have 3 independant communication channels. To achieve this, connect two machines with multiple network cards, and configure unique IP addresses between them, on unique networks. For example: |--------| |--------| | box 1 |-| box 2 | | | | | | |-| | | | | | | | | | | |-| | | | | | | | |--------| | | |--------| | | ------general-network-with-other-machines------------ is then the broadcast address freeHA will use for the first private channel of communication, and is the broadcast address for the second channel "private channel" can be translated as "a network crossover cable directly connected to each machine", or whatever works for your site. You would start freehad on box1 as freehad -a -A -b -B [although if you dont specify the broadcast addresss, freehad will default it to be a class C style broadcast anyway]
Services are controlled by scripts which are usually in /opt/freeha/bin Doing a "make install" will copy default versions of the required scripts to that directory. The top-level scripts are: - starthasrv - stophasrv - monitorhasrv For each service you plan to run, you must add a line (or two) to each of the three scripts to handle it. A major goal of the FreeHA project is to provide easy to use utility scripts for all common services people are interested in clustering. That way, line entries could be as simple as starthasrv: vip.start hme0 stophasrv: vip.stop hme0 monitorthasrv: pingcheck 1.2.3.X A sample fake service is provided in the default configuration (cat.start), so that you can see the demon in action. For your convenience, there is a sample boot-time startup script for the freehad demon, named "startdemon" ***NOTE ON HA STARTUP*** Please note that BOTH NODES must be running before the service will be auto started up. Once both nodes are running, services will normally be auto started on the 'alphabetically first' node. Thus, if you have 3 systems named "ha1", "ha2", and "ha3", then 'ha1' can be considered the "primary" system. STATUS of a node Status of nodes can be found by reading the status file on any node. The location of the status file defaults to /var/run/freeha.status or /var/freeha/freeha.status if there is no /var/run, or whatever you specify to be the status file when you startup freehad.
Make your monitoring scripts run FAST. Heartbeats are sent between monitor runs. If your monitoring hangs, heartbeats will not be sent, which will eventually lead to the node being set to timedout state by other nodes. At which point, another node will try to TAKE OVER SERVICES!!! Adjust timeout seconds to be longer, if monitoring is unavoidably slow. Timeout is 120 seconds by default, so you have a good amount of leeway to begin with.
Similarly to the above... be REALLY careful using timesync software on clustered nodes. You SHOULD run some kind of timesync. Keep in mind, however, that if adjusting it manually, on a node currently running the demon, you should always adjust the time in small increments (eg: "date -a", or "ntpdate -B") rather than jumping to a new time. Jumping to a new time, will cause timeouts of heartbeats from the other system, and cause split-brain hell.
In other words, the local demon on the time-adjusted machine will think it needs to take over services, because the other side has not responded during the gap of the time adjustment.***Do not*** run multiple clusters of FreeHA on the same subnet. That is to say, make sure that the 'heartbeat' subnets, are private subnets shared only between the machines in a particular cluster. Or make sure to change the port numbers each cluster uses, so that they do not conflict with each other, even if they are using the same broadcast address destination.
This software is by no means 'secure'. It uses a simple UDP protocol. If someone wanted to, they could easily 'spoof' the states, and cause your cluster to go down.
Firewalls are Good. Private networks are Better.ID for a node is encoded in 'heartbeat' packets as the hostname of the machine, as returned by 'uname -n'. Nodes are *automatically added* to the overall in-memory state of the cluster, if heartbeats are detected from new nodes. (There is no automatic deletion)
Be wary of messing with the hostname of your machines.