(Warning: Some of this stuff is very old, but the stuff at the top is new)
I've picked up some Linux expertise in my computer travels, particularly
when I became a "Debian Developer".
So I thought I'd start up a Linux subsection, to
complement my Solaris section
How to update just ONE repo, in Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/YOUR-REPO.list -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="/dev/null" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0"
Modern mumbo-jumbo
Useful Scripts
- A script to take an out-of-the-box apache directory server and make it more pallatable to use:
setup-apacheds.sh (Written 2019)
RPM Packaging hackery
Here's a shortcut
template.spec file, that will let you throw together
a binary RPM package super quickly. Edit this one short file, run
"rpmbuild -bb thisfile.spec"
and easily package up the files you have already installed under /usr/local or
For cutnpaste ease, you can also view a
.txt version
Modernizing Centos 5
Let's say for some reason you are running a Centos 5 box, and you need to keep it that way.
But you'd like to add a few modern things. You may find yourself in a very ugly place.
For example, you may be stuck with gcc 4.1, which is not c99 complient. So you try to compile a
more recent version of gcc, with gcc.. and it DOESN'T WORK. Not even going back to 4.9.
An alternative to this is the "CLang" compiler. However.. recent versions of THAT wont compile either.
You will need to go all the way back to version 3.1. THIS, will finally build, and work, for your
more recent code. (but you may need to compile cmake 3.4.3 first)
llvm 3.1 backend src
clang3.1 src
Extract the clang files under the tools subdirectory, and then follow the directions for compiling llvm.
linux VGA text console modes
under the heading of "arcane knowlege".. sometimes, you have to deal with a
very old remote console interface, that claims to convert things to "text"...
but can only deal with a very limited size of text screen.
These days, the linux text console is actually rather high res.
According to http://pierre.baudu.in/other/grub.vga.modes.html
the nice low res vga modes are:
769 771 773 775
So you can try putting
at the end of your kernel params line
OLD Informational documents
At one terrible point, I actually tried to install sparclinux without
much in the way of a network to help me. I have
chronicled the story
.´ `.
: :' !
`. `´ Debian/GNU Linux
Automated debian installs
FAI is a tool
written by Thomas Lange, to automate installs of Debian Linux