Follow the promps on where to install, what your admin user/pw should be, and your base DN... and you're all set!( First, log in as desired run-time user, and know where you want to install) ( Then, using at least jdk version 1.6.0...) $ /usr/jdk/latest/bin/javaws (latest-QuickSetup.jnlp) # If you dont have javaws, or X11, on the server, then just download # the zip file from the opends website, extract, and run # (TOP)/setup. You will get prompted with the same questions in text mode.
Plus, it comes with a pretty decent(yet simple) admin GUI.
What the ldif does, is define some orcl attribute types, and then two new
object classes that use those attributes:
"orclContext", and "orclService".
Next, create a top-level instance of an "orclContext" object, to hold your database information. In LDIF format, that looks like the following:
Lastly, create an actual database instance reference, of type "orclService":dn: cn=OracleContext,dc=oracledb,dc=yourorg,dc=com objectClass: orclContext cn: OracleContext
There are technically some other fields you can put in, such as "orclOracleHome" and "orclVersion", but they are not strictly neccessary for the most part.dn: cn=ORASID,cn=OracleContext,dc=oracledb,dc=yourorg,dc=com objectClass: orclService cn: ORASID orclNetDescString: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora-srv)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=ORASID))) orclSystemName: orclSid: ORASID
You are now all done with the LDAP side!
On the client side, you would need to add to, or replace, your sqlnet.ora definitions.You can have a single line with nothing but:
And lastly, you need an ldap.ora file, looking something like the following:NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (LDAP)
DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT = "dc=oracledb,dc=yourorg,dc=com" DIRECTORY_SERVERS = (ldapsrv1:389,ldapsrv2:389) DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE = OID
This oracle blog mentions the differences, and also provides a python script to automagically convert from openldap schema notation, to OpenDS format.
This material is copyrighted by Philip Brown